How To Sell Your PDR Services
There is no doubt that there are more people who don’t know how to sell then there are that do. Learning how to sell is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time to hone these skills, so be patient
There is no doubt that there are more people who don’t know how to sell then there are that do. Learning how to sell is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time to hone these skills, so be patient
The marks inside of vehicles is where we are going with this post. If you have just graduated from “Dent Repair School”, and took the Total Recon Package number two or three, then you will be quite familiar with how
New cars are a dent magnet. It’s almost as if it’s the rule instead of an exception. They can be the tiniest of dents from a wayward rock or pebble, or even worse, they can be a really big rock
The very first thing that you need to do in your business is to sit down and define what sets you apart from your competition. As a newly graduated PDR Technician, you have a self described business that has not
Not enough can be said about the impact of pictures. We are a visual society as evidenced by the profound success of such sites as Pinterest and Instagram. We started with wonderfully creative photo albums or Scrapbooks and have, as
I am going forward with the assumption that you are choosing the freedom of a website, as it is best in the end. A website is more professional and gives you liberty’s that you wouldn’t otherwise have. There are steps
Now that you have chosen a domain name it’s time to decide whether you want a website or a blog. It really depends on what you plan on doing. If you have decided to use a blog you will need
An amazing infographic was created by NowSourcing for the purpose of taking a peek into the life of the wealthy and what makes them so successful. What habits do they follow that make them rich? When I say rich, I’m
So what does make you the answer to your customers problems? First, you will have to know what the problems are. In this instance we’re talking about the resell value of a vehicle. I’m sure your customer has many more
There are times that you really need to take a step back and not spend so much time talking at your clients. Talking at your clients is an entrepreneur’s innate ability to speak even when not invited to. Instead of