Windshield Repair: No Two Stones Are Created Equal

Each and every stone chip is different, the damage they cause creates different results and as a result, will cause the Technician to individualize how it is cared for and fixed. They may even look the same but in fact, are as different as polar opposites could be. Some of the chips will be so tiny you can almost not see them but fortunately the client understands that it will develop into something huge and horrible as quick as overnight. Then there are the chips that are as big as a half dollar. These are obvious immediate fixes but again, they will take on a life of their own, much like a fire takes on a life of its own and are as different from each other as can possibly be. The lesson is that the chips come in many different shapes and sizes and each will require a fresh set of eyes and never assume that the fix is the same as so many others you have done.

With Dent Repair School our Specialists and Trainers have taken every required configuration and have devised our Windshield Repair System Kit to meet the customers’ needs with a professional and sure proof solution to every situation. With our Kit you will be able to perform a miracle in the eyes of your customers. Miracles equate to referred business opportunities and repeat business in the form of Paintless Dent Repair services and more depending on which courses you have taken. If you choose the Total Recon Package then this is your opportunity to up-sell.

The Windshield Repair System takes a half day to complete and is super simple and easy to learn. The resins are of the highest quality available and when you leave your customer you can be assured that the lifetime guarantee and the quality of work you did is above anyone else in the industry.

Windshield Repair Training Includes:

  • Cooling the Repair
  • Flexing the Break
  • Proper use of Cure Lamps
  • Polishing a Repair
  • Tapping a Bulls Eye
  • Cleaning the Break


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