Free Tools For Small Business Owners Part II

hand with wrrench

I absolutely love this site. There is a bit of a learning curve, well if you’re like me.

  • Trello does a fabulous job of keeping your business organized. They work with Lists, each list has specific information needed. For example; If you own your own PDR business, you would create lists. You would have what you are doing, what you need to do, and what you have done. You can even drag and drop cards from one list into another with almost no energy. You can schedule when a project is to be completed and you can invite others that are staff members access the same information at the same time. If an appointment needs to be rescheduled, your employee can access the site and make the change on their mobile device, which you now have immediate access to. If your employee needs you to call the customer, he can add that information and the phone number, and you will know immediately what you need to do. This not only saves you and your staff valuable time that would otherwise be wasted when speaking on the phone, it’s also a very efficient way to stay on top of everyone’s location. Make check in mandatory and you will see the changes you’re longing for.

When you start taking advantage of free tools, you can really change the course of your business. Getting organized is vital to the growth of your business, there is really no longer any excuse that you could give as to why you are so disorganized or missing appointments. The little bit of time that it takes you to set up these free tools is minimal compared to what it will yield as a result.

You need to follow me to Part II to find more excellent Free Tools.

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